
Recursive backtracking maze generator algorithm python
Recursive backtracking maze generator algorithm python


Whether or not this is necessary is debatable, but if you do want to have type safety, I would make use of Type Hints. I'll also point out, you're doing a type check at the end there. The majority of the method is pre-condition checks to make sure the data is correct, and I think that's muddying the purpose of the method a bit. You could also probably refactor it a bit and make use of an else to get rid of the need for a flag altogether. Or say you were wanting to print out north for debugging purposes. Now, this will cause exceptions at runtime dependent on if the previous condition was True or not. Dumb example, I don't know why you'd need to do this. What if you forget that the type can change and add a line like. Having a variable conditionally have one type or another is asking for trouble when those types don't share a usable superclass. This isn't C! Be explicit about what your intentions are. You also appear to be using 0 to mean False. You're using northfor example, to represent both the tuple of coordinates, and as a flag to indicate whether or not the associated condition was True. And I find it confusing how you're reassigning north and other such variables to 0. I think in neighbors you should make the fact that north and similar variables are tuples more obvious. After these changes, in and remove will no longer linear they'll now run in effectively constant time. This is a tip I make a lot, but if you have a collection that's simply tracking "membership", and you don't care about order, you should consider using a Set over a List. It has an implementation that many programmers can relate with Recursive Backtracking. The Recursive Backtracker Algorithm is probably the most widely used algorithm for maze generation.

recursive backtracking maze generator algorithm python

Most other maze generation algorithms do not have this beautiful property similar to Aldous Broder but more efficient. Uniform Spanning Tree means "a maze generated in such a way that it was randomly selected from a list of every possible maze to be generated. The Aldous-Broder algorithm is an algorithm for generating uniform spanning trees of a graph. While binary tree mazes have two of its four sides being one long passage, Sidewinder mazes have just one long passage.

recursive backtracking maze generator algorithm python

Furthermore, the Sidewinder algorithm only needs to consider the current row, and therefore can be used to generate infinitely large mazes like the Binary Tree. Sidewinder Maze Generator is very similar to the Binary Tree algorithm, and only slightly more complicated.

recursive backtracking maze generator algorithm python

This is the most straightforward and fastest algorithm possible. It can build the entire maze by looking at each cell independently.


If you have any questions about the code, feel free to ask and I included some GIFs and description for the algorithms used so far.īinary Tree Maze Generator is one of the very rareful algorithms with the ability to generate a perfect maze without keeping any state at all: it is an exact memoryless Maze generation algorithm with no limit to the size of Maze you can create.


The code generates custom color and size mazes with optional generation of either a single full maze image or an animated GIF for the maze being created. Code Review Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for peer programmer code reviews. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

Recursive backtracking maze generator algorithm python